Everhart Advisors and GBQ cordially invite you to a highly anticipated complimentary breakfast workshop featuring a unique and exciting view inside Washington D.C. from the former Assistant Secretary of Labor, Brad Campbell. Brad was ERISA’s primary regulatory and enforcement official, playing a key role in every significant ERISA retirement & health reform of the prior decade.
Under Brad’s leadership, EBSA first proposed the recently-finalized 408(b)(2) service provider disclosure and plan participant disclosure regulations addressing the transparency of 401(k) & other related retirement plan fees. Brad also issued the final QDIA regulation facilitating automatic enrollment of workers in their retirement plans, and a final regulation expanding participant access to professional investment advice.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
- 8:00-8:30 AM Breakfast
- 8:30-10:30 AM Presentations
Scioto Country Club
2196 Riverside Drive
Columbus, OH 43221
- Up-To-Date Legislative Initiatives
- White House budget proposals related to retirement plans
- What is the DOL Looking For?
- Preparation as prevention
- 401(k) Annual Audits
- Avoid costly errors and stay in compliance
- Target-Date Funds & Service Provider Searches
- How to fulfill your fiduciary duties
Bradford P. Campbell
Former Assistant Secretary of Labor
Counsel | Drinker Biddle
Mary Stucke, CPA
Assurance Senior Manager | GBQ
Brian Hanna, AIF(R)
Senior Plan Consultant | Everhart Advisors