Our Dublin Office is Moving in February!   New Location: 5200 Rings Rd, Dublin, OH 43017.   Learn More Here »

Hospitality House Location

6095 Springburn Drive, Dublin, Ohio 43017 – outside only.
Located at the Northwest entrance to the tournament, just off the 12th hole.

Date & Time

Thursday, June 1 – Sunday, June 4

8:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Parking – Thursday, June 1 – Saturday, June 3

You may park your car at the Northwest Presbyterian Church, 6400 Post Rd, Dublin, OH 43016, parking lot. No parking will be permitted at the Hospitality House.

A shuttle will take you to and from the Northwest Presbyterian Church and the Hospitality House. Three shuttles will run from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm.

Parking – Sunday, June 4

You may park your car at the Everhart Advisors office, 535 Metro Place South, Dublin, OH 43017, parking lot. No parking will be permitted at the Hospitality House.

A shuttle will take you to and from the Everhart Advisors office and the Hospitality House. Three shuttles will run from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm.

Shuttle Transportation

Three shuttles will run from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. There will be two black shuttles with an Everhart Advsiors logo on it and one red shuttle with LifeWise Academy logo. All three shuttles will provide transportation to and from the parking lot and hospitality house.


You will check-in at a table located at the lower level patio in the back yard of the Hospitality House where you will receive an Everhart Advisors wristband that provides access to the house amenities. Follow the cart path on the left side of the house towards the course. The entrance to the lower level patio will be on your right.

Unless otherwise communicated, tournament badges will not be provided. For more information on obtaining badges, please visit https://www.thememorialtournament.com/tickets/weekly-badges-and-parking/.

Invitation is for the invitee plus 1 additional guest. Guests must be accompanied by invitee.

Coffee Bar

Breakfast treats and coffee will be available from 8:30-10:00 AM.

Lunch & Beverages

Lunch will be available from 12:00 to 3:00 PM. Cold beverages will be served all day.


Air-conditioned and flushable toilets will be located at the front of the property.


Call 614-717-9705 or email info@everhartadvisors.com

For all information regarding the tournament, visit: https://www.thememorialtournament.com/.

For more information about the tournament’s policies and protocols, visit: https://www.thememorialtournament.com/patron-info/protocols/.